“Anyone can be a millionaire but to become a billionaire, you need an Astrologer.’’
By John Pierpont Morgan
2011=4, Uranus {Rahu}; Expansive, but Expensive!
Expect unconventionality, originality, breakthroughs but avoid disputes!
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Fri, 12/31/2010 - 17:43

“Anyone can be a millionaire but to become a billionaire, you need an Astrologer.’’
By John Pierpont Morgan
2011=4, Uranus {Rahu}; Expansive, but Expensive!
Expect unconventionality, originality, breakthroughs but avoid disputes!
Another year speedily goes by ushering in a turn of not only another year, but also a decade. 2010 gave us 3, Jupiter, planet of prosperity, and as predicted, India that adds to 3 did prosper, what with GDP at all time high levels and most corporates posting very good results, despite the world’s failing economy. So much that the US Prez, Obama also was lured with the prospect of teaming up with us, something which had never been on the American agenda!
Now what does 2011 look like or have in store for us is something most of us want to know!
As per Numerology, 2011=4, Uranus {Rahu}, a Planet known for its unconventionalities; it lends originality, but being different has its own flip sides! Lots of inventions were possible due to eccentric thinking, but every fact of a new discovery was sometimes ridiculed!
And being expansive comes at a cost, which can sometimes be expensive too!
On the positive note, expect progress & breakthroughs in the fields of science, research, {R&D}, occult & mystic sciences, {Numerology, Astrology etc} spiritualism, advanced inventions, electricity, medicine, IT Sector, Computers, internet, tele’phony’, {2G is passé!} engineering, Gadgets & electronics, creative fields, music, art, radio, television, aviation, education, thought-transference, inventions relating to the air and air travel, telepathy, teaching, photography, media, Law, accountancy, or any concentrated or creative study or line of work, where the ‘mental’ aspect comes into play.
On the other hand, being too original also makes a person appear eccentric! Kishore Kumar, a No 4 {04/8} was a perfect role model to describe this.
No 4 also can make a person aloof from others, and cause mix-ups; Ashok Chavan added ‘Rao’ to his name to bring his name on No 4 and as predicted, landed in a big mess and had to even lose CM’ship!
In China, 13 is considered inauspicious so much that they have stopped issuing Cars with No 13 in the nameplate! Now you would think that’s going too far, but not many are aware that none of the Airlines world over have seat No 13! Bombay Stock Exchange like many buildings abroad doesn’t have a 13th floor! Many streets in foreign countries do not have 13th street or 13th Avenues!
So one must avoid arguments, disputes and dodge controversies. Or else Lawyers could have a busy year, & may not need to exactly ‘solicit’ for work in 2011!
Uranus is not on the materialistic plane, hence usually No 4’s are usually spendthrifts; do keep an eye on savings!
One must guard against conmen, don’t let greed get the better of you!
Speculation in stocks etc does not usually favor No 4’s; stock markets could take a beating as compared to 2010, which was the year of Jupiter, planet of wealth. Inflation can reach unprecedented heights and it can be an expensive year for most.
Uranus also rules the stomach, so we must resolve to keep a tab on our diet; over-anxiety too leads to disorders in the tummy.
We saw how Big B {as predicted} was hospitalized in his 67th {4} year; he was 40 when the Coolie accident happened.
India is in her 64th year of Independence and 64 is 1, Sun, Leadership. But post 15th Aug, we enter our 65th year. Expect political upheavals and more scams can get unearthed then. {thankfully!}. Major upheavals may occur in the political arena.
Those born with No 4 {4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st} or 8, Saturn {8th, 17th & 26th} must avoid Partnerships & speculation.
1 {Sun}, 2, {Moon}, 4, {Uranus} & 7 {Neptune} form a family and hence those born with such No’s could have a field year!
Namely those born on 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th or 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th or 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st or 7th, 16th & 25th in any month.
Leo’s are also partially under the No 4 influence and can expect a decent year too.
Also all born on their climacteric years like if you are a No 1 in your 10th, 28th, 37th, 46th, 64th or 73rd year and so on.
Since No 4 can cause mix-ups, write the year as ’11 instead of 2011.
Following are the predictions as per Numerology for people born with all 9 No’s:
Number 1 {SUN}: {Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month}
A respectable year ahead as the numbers 1 and 4 go hand in hand; Sun & Uranus are like mirror images.
The eluding promotion or contract that you have been longing for may be within reach.
People in a position of authority would fare well, especially if you put your quirky & original ideas into play. Being too over-cautious can make you miss the bus.
On the spiritual plane, you can make headways too; alternate mediums can grasp your attention too, which can help you in avoiding a nervous breakdown, which you are vulnerable to due to being too ambitious.
Students can learn and grasp more, and should try to divulge in the intricacies of the subject to learn some baffling stuff.
Lucky Months: February, July, August & December.
Number 2 {MOON} {Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month}
Expect an above average to good year; 2, Moon & 4, Uranus share affinity. The two 1’s in 2011 will work to your benefit and will help you to finish the work you started on your own without depending on others, but if you would still believe in relying on the promise of others, you may expect disappointment.
Try not to meddle in others matters or business as you could end up being made the scapegoat. Being sensitive generally, you would be better off if you avoid the melee.
On the romance part, use loose hands or kids gloves when dealing with your partner. Mental outbursts can do more harm now than otherwise.
Those from the creative industries can make a mark & get recognition for their artistic & ingenious visualizations.
Lucky Months: May, June, July, and August.
Number 3 {JUPITER} {Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month}
Though No 4, Uranus is not from your family of No’s, you are usually not dry for funds; a year of hits and misses, so avoid taking a huge gamble.
What you can learn this year is the importance of Karmas, mental well-being, patience, love and understanding; if you learn to control your ego and look at things from the other persons point of view, your compassionate side could earn you many brownie points, help boost your image and make it a gratifying year.
So once a while, it won’t hurt to think how it is when you are in others shoes.
Spending more time with loved ones is something you should take pleasure in; to avoid discord, show it when you love someone.
On the health front, take particular care of your nose, chest & lungs; avoid dusty atmosphere and chilled stuff.
Lucky Months: March, May, November & December.
Number 4 {URANUS} {Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month}
This year could see you garner appreciation for your out-of-the box thinking; however, you may need to execute your ideas more tactfully.
Being too rigid or keep taking opposite sides in situations or argument could make you poorer financially as well as emotionally.
Try to blend with the way people think, but not at the expense of your unusual ideas, even if people consider you odd.
Due care must be taken in personal as well as professional relationships as you could enter a fragile territory. Sometimes, adventure is just bad planning!
Your wit however could be at its zaniest best, sharp and concise.
Take care of breathlessness and lower part of you anatomy, especially the legs.
Lucky Months: May, July, August & October.
Number 5 {MERCURY} {those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month}
Mercury makes you blend usually with all No’s and 2011 or No 4 is no exception.
However, try to apply yourself more thoroughly to the work in hand, at a steady pace; haste most often makes waste.
Try not to let your mind ponder if you have arrived at a decision; don’t jump to newer tasks without finishing what you have started.
Be patient with people who can’t catch up with you, to avoid discontent.
Those in a relationship need to go slow and avoid heated confrontations, which could take a toll on your health as anxiety can cause stomach disorders.
This also is perhaps a year to sow seeds, so you see a harvest in the following year, which adds to your own Number. {2012=5}
Lucky Months: May, June, September & December.
Number 6 {VENUS} {those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month}
Flamboyance usually attracts you, and since Venus lends you luxurious tastes, your ideas are expensive too! Avoid over-indulgence. If your palm is open, not even a Kings Ransom can last all life.
Loved ones will be there for you, even if they may not be very expressive, so expecting a lot of love and attention can leave you high and dry. Don’t get carried away by your heart, if you wish to have an emotionally satisfying year.
Patience, but with perseverance should help you professionally.
Your ability to mingle in the social circuit can prove advantageous if you work on the networking or PR aspect.
Avoid excessive and lavish banquets, junk food & sweets; a mans health can be judged by which he takes two at a time- pills or stairs!
Lucky Months: March, May, October, November & December.
Number 7 {NEPTUNE} {those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month}
This can be a comeback year if you learn to control your emotions; financially, it should be a cakewalk, if you rely on practicality, rather than just dream.
Do not mix work with play, cut out the tasks with finesse.
Control your emotions and learn to take things with a pinch of salt.
The more you dwell into the past and think of all the injustice the world has done to you, the more miserable you will feel. Alternate therapies like Yoga, meditation can help; keeping yourself occupied too will not leave any room for despondency.
Shake yourself off the negative feelings and feel the positive energy flowing through you. And as always, listen to your intuitions!
Lucky Months: February, June, July, and August.
Number 8 {SATURN} {those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month}
A mixed bag is what it looks at a glance as 4 and 8 combo can get extreme. Hence avoid speculations and hold your gambles within your checkrein.
Relations could get critical if you do not clear your stance patiently; so lie low and avoid being too cynical or judgmental. Anyways, all great achievements take time!
Those looking for a shift of residence or jobs should get their contract or ‘paper work’ evaluated thoroughly before moving ahead. A lean agreement is better than a fat judgment!
Your reservoir of knowledge can help you lay the foundation for a safer & prospective 2012 which can be a turning point of sorts. Remember, Time Flies! So celebrate your success but find humor in your failures!
Lucky Months: March, May, June, August and December.
Number 9 {MARS} {those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month}
Be prepared for some testing times, especially for your patience levels; you may find others trying to get under your skin, and cause irritation.
People could misunderstand you both at work and home; you may be in for a few ups and downs in life this year, but nothing that cannot be ironed out, with some precautions.
Do not judge people by their face value, take your time in taking decisions, ‘Haste makes Waste’ is your guru-mantra for this year.
There shouldn’t be any place for negativity, especially in your mind; with your stubbornness & conviction, you can force your way in.
Lucky Months: March, April, May, November & December.
Read more [ Year ender 2010 ]
Read more [ Year ender 2010 ]







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