Barry John is one of the few trained teachers of drama in the country who has evolved his own unique system of training that is highly sought after. The Barry John system incorporates the most sought up to date and comprehensive techniques and methodologies that have proved to be inspiring for many wannabe actors.
Here's a tete-e-tete with the man himself who has now moved bag and baggage to Mumbai.
What brings you to Mumbai?</strong>
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Thu, 04/26/2007 - 00:00

Barry John is one of the few trained teachers of drama in the country who has evolved his own unique system of training that is highly sought after. The Barry John system incorporates the most sought up to date and comprehensive techniques and methodologies that have proved to be inspiring for many wannabe actors.
Here's a tete-e-tete with the man himself who has now moved bag and baggage to Mumbai.
What brings you to Mumbai?
I was seriously considering moving to Mumbai about five years back. The vacant studio where we were housed in Delhi has now been taken over by a channel. We were also facing some other problems; like the place we had housed our studio was a residential area. So, I thought now is the right time to set up shop in Mumbai. One sees a lot of potential here because of the growth of the TV industry. In Delhi, one is also embarrassed to counsel students as the opportunites for actors are very few.
So how has the response been for your acting course?
I guess things have happened rather too quickly to gain visibility. So, the response hasn't been too good this time. But I guess our publicity has been weak. Also, its been a huge task meeting the demands of students in Mumbai, since it's a very expensive city. But anyways, we need to make a start somewhere.
What can wanna actors expect from your course ?
Well, that's a huge question. I believe acting is all about knowing yourself. I believe the main thing in acting is to work on your self. You are the tool. Very much to do with who you are, what you are and what qualities you and your body can give out.
In that way, the course teaches you to work on your body, learn to be very expressive, facial expressions. We also work on voice modulation, help students enrich powers vocal projection and in case if they have issues of speech.
Go on…
While acting one's mind is working on several things at one go. So, how do you perform with your mind functioning at different levels at different times. Not everyone realizes how complex this is. Good actors make everything look so easy and natural. For a beginner this isn't so easy, its all about exercising.
Do you interview people before you take them on?
We certainly interview people. But it's such a strange world, and looks are deceiving. One doesn't know who and how much they are going to develop. One tries to be open and democratic while taking on students.
So then do you separately for television, films and theatre?
Yes, a modern actor has to perform in so many different mediums and contexts. Sometimes live electronic media, so many genres and categories. So, my course caters to all the mediums.
How are you propose to be different from the other reputed schools like the Anupam Kher school?
I don't know what and how the other schools teach. Generally speaking, my methods really draw out the qualities and skills in a person .An actor creates characters out of his own imagination and his awareness of life. He/she hopes to create characters which are rich, riveting, truthful and interesting. So, everyone who is young and healthy body can express. Everyone has an emotional life. I help budding actors channelise all energies, along with their complexities, dreams, ambition by way of improvising and discussion.
Most of the television soaps take on fresh talent and they haven't gone to any acting school?
That's why they have actors collapsing on the sets is it? I've been reading about it.
I believe one needs to help fresher talent to come up and not just sons and daughters of producers and influential people.
Shahrukh has been one of your acclaimed students. Are you in touch with him?
Shahrukh has been distant and non existent now for me. I've been in Delhi and since he's an international jetsetter he flies in and out. He started as a dancer in a musical and I think that's the best way to start. Take on something small and then go on to do something bigger.
Do you believe in method acting?
I use elements of method acting; but now the world has moved on.







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