Dev Joshi, who is seen as the child warrior Baal Veer in SAB TV’s Baal Veer, is on a roll. With the serial, Dev, who has risen to fame very early in life; studies in class seven has been getting accolades for his performance.
This multi-talented kid in a conversation with <em></em>, unwinds himself.
Shares Dev, “I am enjoying shooting a lot; it’s a great unit to work with. All the actresses in the cast are very nice to work with. I gel the most with Natkhat pari (Aditi Sajwan); she is very friendly. Though I am in seventh standard, I just attend school for ten days.”
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Sun, 12/02/2012 - 05:10
Dev Joshi, who is seen as the child warrior Baal Veer in SAB TV’s Baal Veer, is on a roll. With the serial, Dev, who has risen to fame very early in life; studies in class seven has been getting accolades for his performance.
This multi-talented kid in a conversation with, unwinds himself.
Shares Dev, “I am enjoying shooting a lot; it’s a great unit to work with. All the actresses in the cast are very nice to work with. I gel the most with Natkhat pari (Aditi Sajwan); she is very friendly. Though I am in seventh standard, I just attend school for ten days.”
“Ten days are sufficient for me to understand and grasp my studies; I also study on the sets when I am not shooting. Well, talking about the show, it’s an amazing one. I have got many comments from my school friends, the audience and my Facebook friends. The likes are increasing day-by-day,” he adds.
Does the school not object to him being an absentee? “My school is kind enough to grant me leave as they know my work priorities. Otherwise, I am a good student; always score good percentage in my exams. I haven’t missed any exam or class activity,” Dev maintains.
Talking about his future plans, Dev avers, “I would like to say that I am here to stay in Baal Veer and aspire to keep on acting. If I am not into acting, I wish to become a pilot.”
Kudos to the little Dev!!!
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