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Thu, 08/01/2013 - 16:59

Who said that cooking is something which simply adults do? Often kids cook at home too as their parents may be working till late hours and because they live in nuclear families without salaried domestic helpers. These kids may refuse to eat out of cans but light the stove to put a pot or pan on it.
By cooking, we do not mean that they just boil an egg or make 2 Minute Maggi noodles. They make a wholesome delicious and nutritious meal instead. Indeed in many homes there are kids of both genders who are budding chefs as well. Some of them are cooking as a hobby but wish to take this up as a full-fledged career later. These budding talents need mentoring by masterchefs. Which is why it completely makes sense as to why Junior Masterchef Swaad ke Ustaad is being launched on Star Plus at 9pm on Star Plus on 17 August 2013.
As this is a show with child participants, the set has myriad child friendly toys and props. A kid lurks in every adult. This is why it’s the least bit surprising that the adult judges of the reality show Chef Vikas Khanna, Chef Kunal Kapur and Chef Soorajan Sing Jolly often play with the toys meant for kids.
Chef Kunal Kapur said, “The last time we had played with toys, we were children. We have again got access to them on this set. This has totally taken me back to my childhood and has once again awakened the kid in me.”
Meanwhile, the winner of MasterChef Season-3, Ripu Handa has already won an immense fan following. This young man was getting a lot of requests from female fans on Facebook. Now he has captured the hearts of the kids too.
During the auditions of Junior Masterchef Swaad Ke Ustaad the majority of the contestants requested to get a chance to meet Ripu Handa. A participant refused to enter the audition room until and unless she got to talk to him. When the judges asked the contestants who their role model was, most of the children took Chef Ripu Daman Handa’s name.
An ecstatic Ripu said, “It was really an overwhelming experience to get a call from a fan and that too my youngest. I am really lucky and now feel responsible that so many people look up to me. Masterchef has made me a celebrity overnight and now I am looking forward to see this talented bunch create a food fiesta.”







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