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Wed, 03/19/2014 - 19:11

It’s high-intensity drama in Saurabh Tewari’s (Tequila Shots Productions) Rangrasiya on Colors with Rudra (Ashish Sharma) and Paro’s (Sanaya Irani) wedding being hit by roadblocks.
The recent drama of Mohini (Ananya Khare) bringing in a girl in the same bridal attire as Paro’s to burn the room of Dilsher Ranawat (Kali Prasad Mukherjee) has raised the curiosity of the viewers.
As per the ongoing track, Mohini has executed her plans as the girl who poses to be Paro and set the room on fire. In tonight’s episode, Dilsher will be taken to the hospital where the doctor will inform that he has gone into coma, and that his lungs have been badly affected because of the smoke and fire.
Meanwhile, there will be chaos in the temple, as Paro will run towards Tejawat (Tarun Khanna). Though Rudra will convince her to come to him, Paro will refuse. As Bheema will fight Rudra, Tejawat will try to flee from the place with Paro. In the process, Paro will hit Rudra on the head which will make his unconscious. Teja will utilize the situation to take Paro away.
However, the major twist in the tale will be the confrontation that Teja will have with Paro.
Teja will speak the truth to Paro, and will tell her about what exactly happened to her parents and to her groom-to-be. This truth will shock Paro, and she will go wild towards Teja. However Teja will point the gun at Paro, almost ready to kill her.
A source says, “Paro will however trick Teja and will run away from him. Paro will go through immense shock thinking of the manner in which her family encountered death. Paro will break down while on the other hand, Rudra will break down seeing his father in coma.”
If sources are to be believed, Sunheri (Khushboo Thakkar) will tell Rudra that it was none other than Parvati who tried to burn his father alive.
How will Rudra react when he will get to know that Paro tried to kill his father?
We tried calling Tarun Khanna and Ashish, but could not get through to them.
Watch this space for more updates.







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