Live frm the sets of #EkHasinaThi >> Talk to my hand!! pic.twitter.com/lhLTBaH3A6
— Vatsal (@shethvatsal) September 19, 2014
Collar ko thoda sa upar chadha ke..@piyushsahdav @harsshrajput pic.twitter.com/5eiJkP8MeG
— roopal tyagi (@roopaltyagi06) September 16, 2014
My 1st print ad .. Paid me enuf to recover my portfolio investment which was 5000.. Been in profit since then .. pic.twitter.com/YEK3HYgQ6w
— Hussain Kuwajerwala (@Hussainkk12) September 15, 2014
#Jhalak What a fantastic journey !!! Made friends , lost weight , gained experience. Thanx@ColorsTV pic.twitter.com/Zw79BnXQ6q
— kiku sharda (@kikusharda) September 19, 2014
Chikniiii chameliiiss..... pic.twitter.com/IC97KJ64hI
— NIA SHARMA (@Theniasharma) September 13, 2014
A lil' bit of electro in da house! #rammytime “@IshaanSManhas: someone grooving in the van tonite @AshishChowdhry :P pic.twitter.com/VjRkDRcgBi”
— Ashish Chowdhry (@AshishChowdhry) September 11, 2014
Maamu misses you a lot Neil.. Thank you for healing me.. I adore you. pic.twitter.com/4jkgiQYLDa
— Vikas Manaktala (@vksm102) September 16, 2014
Thanksssss love 4 being there .... Lucky to hv u guggaaaa pic.twitter.com/ZNQrPyW8d9
— Ankita Lokhande (@anky1912) September 3, 2014
US.. having a NAUGHTY moment @nikitindheer pic.twitter.com/D3WuucMD2m
— KRATIKA DHEER (@kratikaonly) September 12, 2014
Working on my stretches and flexibility. Its not easy doing heavy weights n being flexible too but actors have to. pic.twitter.com/SRoLr5wJpM
— Ruslaan Mumtaz (@ruslaanmumtaz) September 15, 2014
It's so good to see u after so long my shukhdi , m glad to have u as my best Friend. M so proud of u @MohanShakti pic.twitter.com/LTZCsfs9rj
— Daring Kunwar amar (@kunwar_amar16) September 18, 2014
At Hazrat nizammuddin Auliya shrine. Quick visit. pic.twitter.com/powUIfPu8c
— Iqbal Khan (@Miqbalkhan) September 17, 2014
Oh I looooovvveee these trees n my journey to #wonderland .... <3 pic.twitter.com/j3H7yt3wJL
— shama sikander (@shamasikander) September 18, 2014
LA special ! pic.twitter.com/EJqUcFhYtq
— Rubina Dilaik (@RubiDilaik) September 16, 2014
We walk the talk pic.twitter.com/r1ZcdqXtlU
— Kavita kaushik (@Iamkavitak) September 18, 2014
Playing dress up begins at age 5 and never truly ends :D
#OOTD #Love #dressingup pic.twitter.com/3UXwxrSJ53
— Rashami Desai (@TheRashamiDesai) September 15, 2014
Jb subah 7 baje se shoot karo aur fir sub 4 baje tak prty karo hai to aisi halat hoti hai,haina baby n bhabhi?
#kisha pic.twitter.com/z3aS7q1r9o
— Suyyash Rai (@suyyashrai) September 18, 2014

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