Tobacco kills nearly six million people every year, globally. To put a stop to these events, countries are constantly defining ways to curb tobacco consumption. Well, every year, on 31 May, the audience marks the day as ‘World No Tobacco Day.’
In conversation with Tellychakkar.com, your favourite TV celebs also join in to tell no to tobacco.
Giaa Manek
This day draws attention to the widespread prevalence of tobacco consumption around the globe and the negative health effects which lead to millions of deaths. We need to spread maximum awareness for the same; otherwise this will kill more and more people.
Ashita Dhawan
As it is commonly said, one cigarette reduces 7mins of your life. So why to waste these precious minutes by blowing them in the air? Why smoke and die when you can be happy and high? So say no to drugs and no to smoking. Say yes to life and live it king size.
Ravjeet Singh
You have one life and the most important thing to live life is to breathe; so don’t let anything come between it. So stay away from consumption of tobacco for life.
Aditi Sajwan
I think substance abuse and addiction is a very serious disease because a person who is ill with any disease would want to get cured and can be saved with proper medical care. But a person suffering from addiction, be it smoking or tobacco or alcohol or drugs, does not want to accept the fact that he's in grave trouble, and therefore will seldom seek help. Tobacco addiction leads to mouth, stomach, and windpipe and lung cancers. It leads the road to disability and death. I think a day to abhor such an addiction is a very good step towards its eradication. Today's youth is well aware and educated enough to fight such vices. The need of the hour is to spread maximum awareness about the dangers of substance abuse, in schools and colleges and in media too, so that these bad habits could be nipped in the bud itself. I personally feel that though our lives are super busy, if we can influence or persuade someone to leave tobacco or other addictions, we'll be doing them a real favour and a very good deed.
Shruti Ulfat
Everyday should be a no tobacco day. Firstly I am against smoking and ruining health. Secondly cigarette factories are one of the major centres for child labour. So let’s celebrate our lives and stop and quit SMOKING!
Kanwar Dhillon
Everyday should be No Tobacco Day according to me. I would love it if people would be more health conscious and quit drinking, smoking and consuming all types of tobacco.
Srishty Rode
I guess people are hardly going to follow it, but I really hope they do it. I am sure it makes a lot of difference, when people follow such things even if it is for a day. People should not subject themselves to consuming tobacco as it is very harmful for health.
Dimple Jhangiani
I am strongly against tobacco consumption, since I have heard and seen families being destroyed because of serious tobacco addiction. I think there should be enough awareness creation, especially amongst our youth on the peril of tobacco to ensure they make the right choices in their life. I also believe it is important for youth icons to behave responsibly in public.
Siddharth Arora
I am a no tobacco person even though I hail from Banaras which is famous for paan and tobacco. I believe all 365 days should be a no tobacco day as it is very dangerous for health.
Sara Khan
The irony about smoking is that it satisfies your need of feeling good by killing you slowly. Those who value their families should take it upon themselves to quit smoking and be an example to all the young children who will inevitably follow them.
Zain Imam
Smoke only if you want to see a Smokey future of yours.

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