<em>Kasamh Se</em>'s glam doll Roshini Chopra, who also made an appearance in Let's Party with Ashish Choudary, has a major fetish for books. Here she is, talking to Riya V Anandwala about her brimming collection of novels!
<strong>Which book are you reading right now?</strong>
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Mon, 02/13/2006 - 12:27

Kasamh Se's glam doll Roshini Chopra, who also made an appearance in Let's Party with Ashish Choudary, has a major fetish for books. Here she is, talking to Riya V Anandwala about her brimming collection of novels!
Which book are you reading right now?
Right now I am not reading anything as I am constantly working, day and night! But the last book I read was Taitan by James Clavell. The book was basically about historic fiction which revolves around Hong Kong and China. It is around seven to eight hundred pages, and is extremely delightful. I enjoyed every moment reading it.
What was the best part about this book?
This book taught me a lot. The character of the Chinese mistress has portrayed some beautiful values by which I got inspired. The culture showcased is far most sophisticated than what we could imagine.
Is there any particular reason for you being so involved with books?
I feel writing is the highest form of creativity. One accumulates so much of knowledge after reading. Every work contains some element of imagination which is brought out in one's writing. It certainly broadens one's horizons. It moulds our thinking. Sitting at one place, you can travel around and know so many things.It's perfect escapism!
What sorts of books do you like to read?
I love reading everything. Actually I started reading at a very young age. I love non-fiction too.
Which book is closest to your heart?
In fiction, Celestine Prophecy stole my heart and in non-fiction it definitely has to be Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist.
Tell us something about your collection.
People used to tag me as a bookworm when I was young. Well, I have no count of my books. As I said, I started reading at a very young age, I have collected many books till date. I shifted to Mumbai six months ago, so I don't really have many books here. But yes, in Delhi I have three racks overflowing with books.







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