MUMBAI: The episode sees how someone drives past the Sippy house and the guards inform the person that the family has gone to the hospital with Pooja. Later, as Sonakshi and Rohit have a conversation, Naren comes and informs everyone that they have arranged the blood for Pooja. Rohit immediately goes for the blood transfusion. Sonakshi sees Naren tensed and offers him water. Veena insist him to have it as he seem reluctant. Later, Rohit comes out to inform everyone that Pooja’s condition is now stable. YK goes to meet Pooja while everyone else wait. Rohit comforts Veena as she gets stressed. Soon they see the police arrive there. The inspector asks Rohit if there is a suicide patient in their hospital. He tells them that they would have to carry out an investigation if there is someone who committed suicide. Rohit tells him that there is no such patient and he might’ve received the wrong information.
Tapasya comes along and says that her news is 100% true. She greets Sonakshi and says in a sarcastic tone that she thought bringing the police would help them as someone seems to be sick. The inspector speaks rudely with Sonakshi. She asks the inspector to be polite and Rohit defends her. The inspector asks her what they are doing at the hospital so late at night. Sonakshi tells him that her mother Suman is a heart patient and she was experiencing severe pain which is why they had to bring her here. Rohit asks Tuldi to get the register so that the inspector can check for himself. Tapasya insists that her information is correct and the Sippy family is lying as it is their own hospital. Sonakshi sees Suman and Pari approaching them. Everyone gets tensed because if Tapasya and the police see Suman they would find out that Pooja is the one who has been admitted. Sonakshi yells loudly for everyone to stop. Suman and Pari hear her and don’t move. Sonakshi loudly tells Tapasya and the police that her mother is in the ICU and there is no reason for them to no believe it. She tells her that Pooja hasn’t committed suicide. Tapasya catches Sonakshi and tells her that she never mentioned anything about Pooja committing suicide.
Tapasya realises that maybe Sonakshi spoke loudly to inform someone. Suman and Pari retreat and struggle to open the lock of the door nearby. As Tapasya looks around to see who Sonakshi was informing, Pari manages to open the door. Suman and Pari quickly hide inside the cabin and Tapasya doesn’t see them in the lobby. The inspector believes Sonakshi but asks why did she mention Pooja when they never even asked about her. Sonakshi tells him that Tapasya had published a news about Pooja and was expecting her to take such a step which is why she has brought the police to the hospital so that she gets another news story. The police leave but Tapasya warns Sonakshi to ruin her and her family's life. Sonakshi slaps Tapasya as she mentions her family and tells her to not include them in her in anything as she’s a celebrity, they aren’t. Tapasya gets agitated but Sonakshi slaps her again as she seems to be full of vengeance. She asks her who was the person who leaked Pooja’s news to her. As she insists, Rohit interrupts her before Tapasya tells her that it was Pari. He asks Tapasya to leave. After Tapasya leaves, Suman and Pari come out. Sonakshi goes to meet them and sees Pari looking like she’s guilty. Soon, Pooja regains consciousness and everyone goes to meet her. Rohit scolds Pooja for committing suicide. Akash supports him and tells Pooja that they hadn’t expected this from her. Pooja scams the room and sees Sonakshi. She calls out to her and reaches her hand out for her to hold. As Sonakshi was about to hold Pooja’s hand, Nishi comes and stops her. She looks at Sonakshi with tears in her eyes and asks her to stay away from Pooja.

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