Kulfi looking for Sikander, Amyra keeps on blaming Kulfi, Kulfi walks to the sofa and feels the presence Sikanders, and says my baba is inside this bed, police walk according to Kulfi’s word and open the sofa and finds Sikander, doctor take Sikander out of.
Loveleen looks at the clock and thinks it’s 30 min so he is dead and starts making noise, Sheperd says Sikander is alive but no reactive someone has done this to him and inject him.
Loveleen thinks my dad made you what you are today, I won’t live on your stipend, and you will be useless, now all the empire will be mine, me and my daughter will rule.
Nurse gets a call about her son in bad state, she feels bad says this is my wrong deed and says I will rectify everything god please help my son and walks to Sikanders room.
Loveleen starts blaming Sheperd for Sikander's health, says he made wrong surgery so hide him, I kept saying no surgery but this doctor and kulfi forced him for surgery and Kulfi this is all your fault, look where my husband is now, Amyra blames Kulfi.
Doctor asks everyone to walk out, Kulfi stands to cry helpless, and start treating Sikander, the nurse sees Kulfi crying and says I should talk to her, and sees Loveleen fighting with the inspector, and gets scared, she writes a note that Loveleen has injected drug in Sikander, it’s her doing and not Dr. Sheperd Jacob's surgery.
Further Nurse, take away Kulfi from Loveleen and read the notes, Loveleen threats to Nurse.
The episodes end here

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