MUMBAI: Rajkummar Rao and Nushrat Bharucha who will be seen together in the upcoming film Chhalaang, shared an adorable and motivating video for the students who are appearing for their exams across the country.
Going by the film's posters which were released earlier and also featured school students in them, looks like kids play a prominent role in the film's story and through this video message both actors are motivating all students for the ongoing exams.
The makers of the movie took to their social media and posted, “All The Best To Every Student Appearing For Their Exams! Take This Chhalaang With Your Best Efforts & Don't Take Stress!”. Nushrat Bharucha also posted the same video and extended her wishes to the students.
In the fun video, the duo addresses the stress that each student undergoes and also, shares certain tips for them to cope up with the stress, easy-learning and motivate each of them to go ‘Chahalaang’ it, as we say it!
Set against the backdrop of Haryana, actor Rajkummar plays a PT master, named Montu, in a semi-government funded school, with Nushrat Bharucha as Neelu, his love interest. Interestingly, Chhalaang will be Rajkummar Rao’s fifth collaboration with the National Award-winning filmmaker Hansal Mehta and second collaboration with Nushrat Bharucha after Love Sex Aur Dhoka.
Chhalaang is directed by Hansal Mehta, produced by Ajay Devgn, Luv Ranjan, and Ankur Garg. The film releases on 12 June 2020.
All The Best To Every Student Appearing For Their Exams!
Take This Chhalaang With Your Best Efforts & Don't Take Stress!@RajkummarRao @NushratBharucha @ChhalaangFilm— Luv Films (@LuvFilms) March 6, 2020
All The Best To Every Student Appearing For Their Exams!
— Nushrat Bharucha (@NushratBharucha) March 6, 2020
Take This Chhalaang With Your Best Efforts & Don't Take Stress!@RajkummarRao @ChhalaangFilm
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