MUMBAI: Bigg Boss 13 contestants Siddharth Shukla and Shehnaz Gill recently featured in a music video titled Bhula Dunga. This has given their fans a reason to rejoice. In their live chat, the two were seen having fun together.
During the chat, Sidharth asked her if she had specially applied make-up for it. She tells him she did to look pleasant. Sidharth told his fans he is looking 'bhayanak' without anything on his face.
Shehnaz couldn't stop herself from imitating the actor as he told his fans to watch their music video in English. She copied his style and certainly brought a huge smile on the face of their fans.
Sidharth requested fans not to step out of the house. He said, 'I hope you guys are self quarantining and staying at home.'
Additonally, Shehnaz asked her fans to stay safe and emphasised on the importance of having good physical and mental health.
Credits: TOI
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