MUMBAI: Siddhant made waves across with his first step in Bollywood and it instantly became everyone’s favorite. The actor off screen is also a great writer and shares his emotion in various posts on Instagram and the words always touch our hearts. The actor has also, in the past shared various poems on social media and the fans have widely appreciated them.
During this difficult times as well the actor has been penning down thought provoking and inspiring poems for the audience, giving with hope through his notes by beautifully blending words, songs, puns and much more.
Siddhant's popular ‘my notes are now not just words but are an interesting whole new video where he brings his verses to life with 'Dhoop'. The video also evidently highlights about the current situation and much more.
Siddhant shared the video on his social media and said, "Dhoop - In search of hope.⠀
#MyNotes brought to life."
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