MUMBAI: After Kangana Ranaut’s explosive interview with Republic, where she openly called out people in regards to Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, now his former girlfriend Ankita Lokhande has spoken to the above mentioned TV channel, which has caused a stir in the industry. While the interview will be aired on Saturday night, a snippet of the same was dropped by the channel in which Ankita claimed the late actor was not a person who would ever get depressed. Coming in support of her is filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri.
He too agreed with the actress, and mentioned in his tweet, how SSR was not a depressed guy and ordinary people failed to understand people from the creative field. Also, in his tweet he warned Ankita to be careful hinting at Bollywood gangs coming after her. Thus, concluding his tweet by giving more power and support to her. This tweet of the filmmaker urged the netizens claiming that Ankita needs more security as she is one of the important links in the actor’s case.
Vivek tweeted, “Sushant Singh Rajput was definitely not a depressed guy. People failed to understand him because ordinary people can’t understand creative people. Well done @anky1912 Pl be careful, they will now come after you. More power to you. #AnkitaLokhande”
Sushant Singh Rajput was definitely not a depressed guy. People failed to understand him because ordinary people can’t understand creative people.
— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) July 31, 2020
Well done @anky1912 Pl be careful, they will now come after you. More power to you. #AnkitaLokhande
May I say this I'm so proud of #AnkitaLokhande.
She needs security immediately.
How I wish #SushantSinghRajput and her never broke up.
God bless you Ankita.#Dhara302forSSRCulprits#SushantRheaTwist— Aysha ( The RD FanClub ) (@ayshahabib11) July 29, 2020
Repeat aftr me
"Sushant wasn't depressed"
May god give Strength to @anky1912 road to justic won't be easy by nw whole BW mafia mst b findng wys to put hr down
She needs all the mor supports 4m fans#AnkitaLokhande#SushantConspiracy #ShameOnMumbaiPolice— Kangana Ranau.t (@Kangana_Ra) July 30, 2020
Sushant Singh Rajput was definitely not a depressed guy. People failed to understand him because ordinary people can’t understand creative people.
— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) July 31, 2020
Well done @anky1912 Pl be careful, they will now come after you. More power to you. #AnkitaLokhande
Sushant Singh Rajput was definitely not a depressed guy. People failed to understand him because ordinary people can’t understand creative people.
— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) July 31, 2020
Well done @anky1912 Pl be careful, they will now come after you. More power to you. #AnkitaLokhande
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