MUMBAI: We’ve been at the forefront in reporting updates about SAB TV’s Baalveer Returns.
Recently, we reported about Debu, Ananya, Ray and others to perform a dance number in the College Festival wherein romantic moments will bloom between Ananya-Debu and Ananya-Ray. (Read here: Ray’s MASTER PLAN against Baalveer and Ananya in SAB TV’s Baalveer Returns)
In the upcoming episodes, Ananya’s life will be in threat as she gets trapped inside a burning ambulance. Will she be rescued in time? Who will rescue her? Ray or Baalveer?
Meanwhile, Baalveer and Vivaan search for the secret door from where the Shinkai people come on earth. Baalveer has already found a secret door in their college.
Will Baalveer and Vivaan be successful in their mission?
Post your thoughts on the current track of the show in the comment section below.
Stay tuned to this space for more updates.
(Also read: Debu-Ananya and Ray-Ananya to share ROMANTIC moments amidst college fest’s dance performance)