Zee TV has patiently waited to usher in its new shows. The wait seems to be over for Shakuntalam Telefilms’ <em> Maa </em> which is slated for a January launch and will probably replace the struggling <em> Ranbir Rano </em>, which currently airs at 10.30 pm and will soon be shifted to 11.00 pm so as to accommodate Hats Off production’s supernatural thriller Shree.
According to our source from the production, “<em> Maa </em> will go on air from 5 January and will air at 11.00 pm. I don’t know what will happen to <em> Ranbir Rano </em>. For that you will have to speak to the channel.”
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Fri, 12/12/2008 - 18:10

Zee TV has patiently waited to usher in its new shows. The wait seems to be over for Shakuntalam Telefilms’ Maa which is slated for a January launch and will probably replace the struggling Ranbir Rano , which currently airs at 10.30 pm and will soon be shifted to 11.00 pm so as to accommodate Hats Off production’s supernatural thriller Shree.
According to our source from the production, “ Maa will go on air from 5 January and will air at 11.00 pm. I don’t know what will happen to Ranbir Rano . For that you will have to speak to the channel.”
A reliable source from the channel says, “ Maa will launch in the first week of January. It will air at 11.00 pm. Ranbir Rano will be pulled off air.”
Maa ’s producer Shyam Bhattacharya though claimed ignorance to any such development. “I’ve been hearing about different slots for our show. The channel hasn’t communicated anything to us yet.”
Meanwhile Ranbir Rano ’s producer Sheel Kumar rubbished such news. This was seconded by lead actress Sakshi Talwar who said, “This is news to me. There’s no truth to it. Neither the production house nor the channel has said anything to me,”
Zee TV programming head Ajay Bhalwankar remained unavailable for comment.
Maa will feature actors like Amar Upadhyay, Chitraphabha and Janvi Chheda.







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