MUMBAI: The Ticket to the Finale task finally came to an end, and it was filled with drama and excitement! After the task was restarted and Jad became the representative of Pooja, the contestants delved into the task with enthusiasm, supporting their favorite contestant to help them secure victory. It was a thrilling and intense competition with each housemate putting their best effort to make their chosen contestant win.
When Bigg Boss announced that the task was completed, and asked Sanchalak (the task supervisor) to announce the winner, it was very evident that Abhishek had won the task with the maximum number of fruits in his basket.
Abhishek's victory was clear and undeniable, as he managed to accumulate the highest number of fruits during the Ticket to the Finale task. His hard work, determination, and strategic gameplay paid off, making him the deserving winner of the task and securing his position as the first finalist and the last captain of Bigg Boss OTT 2. The housemates and viewers were surely thrilled with the intense competition and the final outcome of the task.

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