MUMBAI: Karan and Tejasswi were two strong contestants of Bigg Boss 15. Karan emerged as the second runner-up of the show, while Tejasswi was declared the winner. Fans loved their chemistry and gave them a cute hashtag - #TejRan. Even after the show, fans keep showering lots of love and support and call them iconic real-life couples.
Also Read- Tejasswi Prakash’s CHILDHOOD PICTURES are the CUTEST THING on the internet today
The duo have a large fan following and love to see their posts and videos. The couple very often travel together and share glimpses of the travel diaries for their online fans.
Today, let us take a look at some pictures of the couple why they set the perfect couple goals;
Take a look;
Which picture do you love the most?
Well, there is no doubt that the two make a very adorable pair and are considered as one of the most loved pairs on television. They surely give major couple goals.
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