MUMBAI: The much-awaited teaser of Golden Star Ganesh’s upcoming film, PINAKA, is finally here, offering a visual treat that has left fans and audiences amazed. Under the expert production of TG Vishwa Prasad and Krithi Prasad, Golden Star Ganesh takes on a stunning new avatar as Kshudra and Rudhra, showcasing his versatility and stepping into uncharted territory. Directed by B. Dhananjaya, an acclaimed choreographer making his directorial debut, and backed by People Media Factory (PMF), this landmark 49th project (PMF49) is set to redefine Kannada cinema.
The teaser introduces a grand periodic drama infused with elements of black magic, promising a gripping storyline and a visual spectacle like never before in Kannada cinema. With breathtaking VFX and cutting-edge visuals, PINAKA creates an exciting new world and builds on the buzz generated by the Rampage of Kshudra poster.
Known for delivering blockbusters across industries, People Media Factory is setting new benchmarks with its commitment to high-quality storytelling and world-class production. This project is a testament to their vision of elevating Kannada cinema to new heights.
For Golden Star Ganesh, this film is a turning point in his illustrious career, further establishing him as a versatile actor capable of taking on challenging roles. The teaser has already created a huge buzz, and the cinematic journey promises to be unforgettable.
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting journey.
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