MUMBAI: Television actress Priya Thakur, who portrays Vasudha in Zee TV’s popular show Vasudha, reminisces about her cherished Lohri celebrations back in Punjab and Chandigarh. Sharing her fond memories, Priya said, "Lohri holds a special place in my heart. It’s not just about traditions but also about togetherness, warmth, and celebration."
She vividly recalls the vibrant bonfires, energetic dhol beats, and joyous gatherings with loved ones, accompanied by festive delicacies like makke di roti, sarson da saag, and sweet treats like Rewaris and Gajak. For her, Lohri symbolizes gratitude, positivity, and new beginnings.
While Priya will be in Mumbai this year shooting for Vasudha, the festive spirit remains close to her heart. "I’ll miss celebrating it the traditional way, but the essence of Lohri—love, laughter, and happiness—will stay with me."
The actress wishes everyone marking this special day a celebration filled with warmth and joy. "Happy Lohri to all," she adds with heartfelt cheer.
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