MUMBAI: Vicky Kaushal steps into an avatar like never before, embodying the indomitable spirit of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj in the upcoming epic saga Chhaava. Unveiled on the momentous anniversary of Sambhaji Maharaj's coronation, Maddock Films presents a breathtaking new poster that captures Vicky Kaushal in a look that redefines grandeur and power. Adorned in royal regalia and exuding unmatched intensity, Vicky Kaushal commands attention like a true king, ready to take the Maratha Empire's history to cinematic glory. This transformation marks a turning point not only in his career but also in Hindi cinema, setting new benchmarks for historical storytelling.
Produced by Maddock Films, directed by Laxman Utekar, and starring Vicky Kaushal, Rashmika Mandanna, and Akshaye Khanna, Chhaava is the stirring tale of the courageous warrior whose coronation on this day in 1681 marked the beginning of a legendary reign.
Trailer drops January 22. Chhaava releases in cinemas on February 14, 2025.
Get ready to witness the legacy of a leader who will keep inspiring generations to come!
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