MUMBAI: After four months of intense competition on Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, the show has reached its final leg, with fans eagerly awaiting exceptional performances as contestants refine their raw talent under the expert guidance of mentors Sachin-Jigar, Sachet-Parampara, and Guru Randhawa. This weekend’s highly anticipated Grand Finale promises a musical extravaganza, showcasing the incredible talent of the top 6 contestants – Shradha Mishra, Ujwal Motiram Gajbhar, Subhasree Debnath, Bidisha Hatimuria, and Maharshi Sanat Pandya and Parvathi Meenakshi.
In this captivating episode, contestant Subhasree Debnath stole the show with her soulful medley of Tu Shayar Hai, Mere Mehboob Mere Sanam, and Ek Do Teen songs. Her stellar performance not only won the hearts of the audience but also earned high praise from the mentors and special guests—legendary singers Udit Narayan and Kavita Krishnamurthy, along with former cricket icon Harbhajan Singh.
Adding to the excitement, Udit Narayan surprised everyone by inviting Subhasree’s fiancé onto the stage, turning the moment into a grand Sangeet ceremony. The joyous atmosphere transformed the evening into an unforgettable musical celebration.
Udit Narayan said, “I have a surprise for you, just like Sanu Da performed for your Sagai ceremony, I also want to sing today for you.”
The stage burst to life with vibrant energy as mentors, contestants, and special guests celebrated together by dancing to timeless Sangeet classics like Mehndi Lagake Rakhna, Saajan Ji Ghar Aaye, Laal Dupatta, and more.
While everyone celebrated Subhasree’s sangeet ceremony with full joy, wait till you watch the nail-biting performances by the finalists of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, who are competing against each other for the coveted trophy!
For more such iconic moments and to find out the winner, tune into the Sa Re Ga Ma Pa grand finale episode, this Saturday- 18th January, at 9 PM, only on Zee TV!
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