MUMBAI; Actress Sandeepa Dhar is currently shooting for her next untitled project in Bikaner, Rajasthan along with Sunny Kaushal, Nimrit Kaur, and Kunal Roy Kapur. Recently, she gave her fans a delightful glimpse into her fun side with a quirky Instagram post that read, "Crashed a wedding with Ashish Verma for Gol Gappas coz why not." The actress found an exciting way to make the most of her shoot break. Accompanied by her co-star Ashish Verma, Sandeepa made an impromptu visit to a wedding nearby, savoring the quintessential Indian street snack and spreading cheer. Her playful caption and candid moments resonated with fans, quickly garnering likes and comments.
Sandeepa’s impromptu adventure highlighted the vibrant local culture of Bikaner and added a fun twist to her busy schedule. Dressed in her shoot attire, she blended seamlessly into the wedding festivities, making it a memorable experience for the couple and the guests. Known for her relatable charm on social media, Sandeepa once again proved why her fans adore her. The actress’s infectious energy and willingness to embrace spontaneity have left everyone eagerly awaiting more behind-the-scenes snippets from her ongoing project.
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