MUMBAI: Ahead of its theatrical release, Ramayana : The Legend of Prince Rama will be making history by showcasing at the Mahakumbh mela in Prayagraj on January 23, 2025, inviting school children and devotees to experience the Indo-Japanese anime based on Valmiki's Ramayana in its all-new 4K remaster. The event aims to introduce young children to the timeless Indian epic, brought to life through Japanese artistry.
Maha Kumbh Mela is the world's largest religious congregation, taking place in Prayagraj, with millions of devotees entering the city from all over the world. This special screening will be the first of its kind event to be held at the Maha Kumbh and will take place at Divya Prem Seva Shivir at Sector 6 near Netra Kumbh in Prayagraj, starting from 10 a.m. on Wednesday.
Ramayana : The Legend of Prince Rama enter theatres across India for the first time in Ultra HD 4K on January 24th, 2025, in a multi-language release that includes Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and English versions of the anime film. The theatrical distribution of the film is being done by Geek Pictures India, AA Films and Excel Entertainment.
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