MUMBAI: Popular influencer Kashish Kapoor recently dropped a bombshell on Instagram, revealing the exact location of the famous viral video featuring Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara's iconic trio—Hrithik Roshan, Abhay Deol, and Farhan Akhtar. In the video, which has captivated fans for years, Kapoor highlighted a key detail: the glasses hanging around Hrithik's neck. Kapoor were quick to point out their striking similarity to those from Ferrari World, Yas Island, further fueling excitement.
Here is the link of the video posted:
The iconic video and its backdrop, Ferrari World, have now become a hotspot of conversation, amplifying hopes for a follow-up to the much-loved story of friendship and adventure.
Could a ZNMD sequel be around the corner? Only time will tell, but the buzz is undeniable!
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