MUMBAI: Pocket Mein Aasmaan's promo was launched a few months ago and it has already created a lot of buzz. The show began yesterday and it stars Abhika Malakar, Farman Haider and Yesha Harsora in the lead.
Actress Pooja Singh shared a few memorable glimpses from the launch of the show on her Instagram account and wrote, “And just like that, “Pocket Mein Aasaman” has taken flight!
Last night was a dream—our show has officially launched, and we couldn’t be more grateful. Feeling truly blessed to be part of this journey, hoping to entertain you, move you, and make you fall in love with our story.
A huge thank you to my family, friends, and the entire Boyhood Productions team for believing in us and creating something so beautiful. The way we cherish this show, we hope you love it just as much. Here’s to new beginnings and endless possibilities!
Let the magic begin—Pocket Mein Asmaan, now streaming on Star Plus at 11 PM!”**
Lots of love from Pinky.”
Check out her post below;
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Pocket Mein Aasmaan highlights the story of Rani and her struggles to hold her own in a world that poses various challenges for women everyday. It is the struggle and odds faced by women all over India.
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