Nice guys tend to finish last. Darjeeling's Prashant Tamang is an extremely nice guy but he could soon end up being the new <em>Indian Idol</em>. This sepoy from Darjeeling is currently plying his tricks on Sony's <em> Indian Idol.</em>
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Fri, 09/07/2007 - 16:00

Nice guys tend to finish last. Darjeeling's Prashant Tamang is an extremely nice guy but he could soon end up being the new Indian Idol. This sepoy from Darjeeling is currently plying his tricks on Sony's Indian Idol.
With his childlike innocence and his disarming smile, it is hard not to like Prashant. Prashant has not only done his community and his police force proud but has become an inspiration to all youngsters who dream of making it big but don't have the courage to take that first step. With sheer faith in himself, this youngster has reached the top three of Indian Idol. It is no mean achievement for one whose only connection to music was listening to the radio while sitting in the forest chowky where he was posted.
"My life has taken a full 360 degrees," he says, "Everytime I come on the stage, I have to pinch myself to realise that it is not a dream; I am indeed here in Mumbai. It is beyond my dreams" he says with a smile. He is a man of few words, but few know that he has an impish sense of humour. He has been singing in the police band and has been hugely popular.
While he's already a winner for his people, Prashant has moved up in the eyes of the judges and viewers alike with each passing week. His initial diffidence and reserve nature have been replaced with a newfound confidence which has started to reflect in his singing as well.
Few know that he strums the guitar too. Annu Malek never fails to praise his courage and determination to reach the top. "Prashant has worked really hard to get here and I will not be disappointed if he is the next Indian Idol," says the hard-to-please music director. If Annu Malik has given his nod, then Prashant surely will make a worth Indian Idol.







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