We see that while Malishka tries to gain sympathies, showing her fake wounds, Rishi is still more concerned that Lakshmi’s innocence couldn’t be proved.
Lakshmi meets Malishka in the secluded place and learns her truth. However, the twist is that Malishka attacks Lakshmi to have Rishi forever. But, her plan fails miserably as Rishi goes farther from her and closer to Lakshmi.
Previously we saw how Malishka stages her own kidnapping but her game will not last long as she is about to be exposed. Balwinder’s next step is to kidnap Lakshmi and bring her to Malkishka to get a heavy ransom, but that plan fails. Rishi comes just in time to save Lakshmi from Malishka’s evil trap.
The murder drama turns out to be Malishka's dream as Balwinder fails to kidnap Lakshmi. Rishi finds Lakshmi in an unconscious state on the road and gets her medical help.
Balwinder will be the one to bring Lakshmi over to Malishka where reportedly, Malishka will try to kill her. Rishi will have followed Balwinder to the spot.