The show revolves around the love triangle of Lakshmi, Rishi and Malishka. Lakshmi proves to be a an ideal daughter-in-law and a perfect wife of Rishi.
A scene is created between the mother and the son as Karishma did not like Ayush's behaviour at all. While Karishma is fuming with anger, Ayush tries to calm his mother down
Rishi and Laxmi spend quality time together and bond quite well. When Laxmi complains of a headache, Rishi gives her a head massage. Laxmi is touched by Rishi’s gesture and nearly gets teary eyed.
Balwinder comes disguised in Oberoi Mansion with the musicians. Further, he manages to kidnap Lakshmi and take her into other room in semi-conscious state.
Lakshmi's family is also at Oberoi Mansion to celebrate Karwa Chauth. Here, a distant relative asks Ayush to marry her daughter, and he avoids saying he loves Shalu.
Previously, in spite of Malishka's attempts to ruin Lakshmi's Karwa Chauth, Rishi stands strong with her. He is not ready to hear anything against Lakshmi and this infuriates Malishka more.