Rohit Suchanti and Aishwarya Khare star in the Zee TV series Bhagyalakshmi. Among the stellar cast members are Uday Tikekar, Sooraj Thapar, Smita Bansal, Aman Gandhi, Maera Mishra, and others. In the show, we see that Lakshmi and Rishi once again come face to face in the bank.
Fate has tied Lakshmi and Rishi to each other, and they keep bumping into each other but Lakshmi doesn't want Rishi in her life but Rishi's life being in danger changes her feelings.
After the police arrive Malishka creates a scene and asks them to arrest Lakshmi and Lakshmi tries to defend herself and tell the police officers that she did not steal the necklace and doesn't know how it ended up in her bag.
The show is produced by Ekta Kapoor's Balaji Telefilms and is a fan favorite. Rohit Suchanti and Aishwarya Khare star in the Zee TV series Bhagyalakshmi. Among the stellar cast members are Uday Tikekar, Sooraj Thapar, Smita Bansal, Aman Gandhi, Maera Mishra, and others.
Currently, we saw that Rishi is confused between Malishka and Lakshmi and he has a face-off with Lakshmi.
Malishka is hell-bent on keeping Lakshmi and Rishi apart.
Lakshmi is going through a difficult time, trying to start a new life, coming to terms with her failed marriage with Rishi and Rishi's union with Malishka.
Lakshmi stands firm and handles the situation, ruining Malishka's plan. Seeing Lakshmi being cool, Malishka gets frustrated while she leaves for her work.
that Malishka is trying to demean Lakshmi in her place of work, she keeps repeating the fact that she is getting married to Rishi, and that Rishi is the only hers