The show will star Avinesh Rekhi, Aditi Bhagat and Shreya Jain in the lead character roles where they will be seen playing the roles of Sarab,Haniya and Meher.
Rohan and Simmy will kidnap Armaan and play their evil mind games with them. Armaan will unfortunately fall off the cliff and is assumed to be dead by everyone including the Gill Family.
Aaliya will separate Aasma and Armaan from each other and the story will take a 6 years leap. Aasma will return to Punjab for the sake of Haniya and Zaid’s studies.
Aasma and Armaan have separated from each other. Armaan will turn to alcohol while Aasma will be trying to protect her child from Aaliya who is up to something sinister.
Currently, Armaan and Aasma will finally be in love. Murtazim will be facing a huge dilemma as Rano and Sukhi asked him to send Aasma back to Pakistan.