The captivating story, which is produced by Studio LSD Productions and stars Arjun Bijlani as Shiv and Nikki Sharma as Shakti, has captured and maintained viewers' interest on screen. Fans were able to participate in Shiv Shakti's wedding preparations in certain recent episodes.
Currently everyone is talking about Bigg Boss 17 that is soon going to see its conclusion and one contestant out out Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain, Abhishek Kumar, Munawar Faruqui, Isha Malviya, Arun Kumar, Ayesha Khan and Mannara Chopra will be picking up the trophy on 28th January.
Mahhi Vij, the beau of Jay Bhanushali, posted a video on her YouTube account showing off her new, visually pleasing home for her children. The actress discusses in her vlog how much work and perseverance it took for her to become a home owner.
Shruti Sinha posted a meaningful message on her Instagram account, assuring her admirers about her well-being. She also expressed her gratitude to her close friends and said that she had sobbed when her mother was unable to see her due to a canceled trip.
Edhaa and Jeeva are the names given to their twin girls. Rubina and Abhinav haven't posted numerous pictures of their children on social media, but the devoted new mother doesn't hesitate to talk about her pregnancy and experiences after giving birth.
Tejaswi Prakash and Karan Kundrra enjoy traveling outside of work and frequently post updates about their travels on social media. However, yesterday, before they could board their flight to Dubai, a small incident happened at the Mumbai airport.
Dilaik announced that she was expecting twins while she was in her third trimester and launched a new show on her YouTube account. She also spoke with several well-known celebrities who had recently become mothers. Dilaik had a special visitor on the show in the most recent video.