Bhagyashree gets angry and lashes out at Savi for helping them without her knowledge after hearing everything. Savi is accused by her of trying to become The Noble Woman.
Rajat leaves when Savi asks how the party went and mentions how Kian has spoken to him. He asks Savi to stop bothering him and shut up. However, Saisha tells Savi about Kian's behavior with her and how he hurt them with his words and actions when Savi questions her about the party.
Savi tells Rajat that he just told her that she is Saisha's mother and has asked her to stay away from meddling in his issues. She also asks why he is reaching out to her at this time.
Savi asks Rajat to stop questioning her as the gold bag falls from her grip. After seeing them, he gets even more angry and screams at her. Jigar comes to the house after Rajat kicks her out and asks him to stop.
Rajat tells Savi that although he had tolerated her actions and accepted her behaviors, he is no longer patient with her and as a result, she is no longer welcome in his home.
When Arsh and Ashika meet Saisha, they enquire as to whether she misses her mother. They questioned her about whether she was not crying for her mother as Ashika was missing her.
Rajat tells Savi that while women often get what they desire, they will occasionally hide things from others. Everybody is the same. Savi is shocked after hearing him and feels bad for him at the same time, not understanding how he has suddenly gotten to that conclusion.
Bhagyashree tells her that although she managed to take it to the orphanage, she had to place a new order because she had taken something from it. Savi explains to her that she took it since it was a staff thing.
Bhagyashree is excited about Kian's birthday and asks Savi to get ready. She warns her to let her know before doing any such thing, but Savi is shocked by this sudden change and leaves. However, Savi gets ready and comes back.
Kiaan’s birthday celebrations will take place where he will feed the first bite of the cake to Aashika and later offer Arsh. Rajat will feel hurt because of this. Furthermore, Kiaan will be seen talking about having a perfect family and how Aashika and Arsh have been providing for him.