Sudha Chandran celebrates her birthday and on this occasion her close friend from the industry, Jaswir Kaur took to her social media handle to wish the actress. She shared pictures of the two of them and in the background played the song from Chandran’s biographical film Naache Mayuri.
Jaswir is seen in Anupamaa currently where she plays a strong character and now, she will be seen in yet another interesting show titled Mishri on Colors…
Mehul shares a beautiful relationship with Rupali Ganguly and Jaswir Kaur both and now, he took to his social media handle to share how the trio bond well and pose together for pictures.
Jaswir has taken to her social media handle to share a fun reel and she has captioned her post as: ‘Uff!!! These Intelligent People I tell You or Over Smart’
Jaswir has now shared a picture which takes us back 10 years in comparison to how she looks now and we must say that she looks hale, hearty and young as ever.
Rituraj passed away due to cardiac arrest. He was 59 years old. There are many people from the television and Hindi film industry who have visited his funeral to pay their last respects to the Late actor. There are many videos which are doing the rounds on social media.
However the show has experienced a lot of distress when many of its actors have unexpectedly passed away. Recently, the TV and film industry was left in shock when the news of veteran actor Rituraj passing away hit the headlines.