Maddam Sir's story revolves around four female police officers who work at a Mahila police station which consists of SHO Haseena Mallik, SI Karishma Singh, Head Constable Pushpa Singh, Constable Santosh Sharma, and Constable Cheetah Chaturvedi.
The upcoming track of Maddam Sir will see a new entry of Tushar Phulke . The track will focus on how there are many water mafias who black market water in the areas where there is a scarcity of the same.
Maddam Sir's story revolves around four female police officers who work at a Mahila police station which consists of SHO Haseena Mallik, SI Karishma Singh, Head Constable Pushpa Singh, Constable Santosh Sharma, and Constable Cheetah Chaturvedi.
The show is a cop-comedy action television series that premiered on 24 February 2020 on Sony SAB which is produced by Jay Mehta under the banner Jay Production.