Trisha Sarda plays Rohit Suchanti's daughter in Bhagya Lakshmi. Although Baby Trisha has won over the public with her outstanding performance on the show, her ability to balance her academics and her shoot is even more amazing. The actor has become close over the past six months. In fact, when he embraces fatherhood, he wants a daughter who is just like her.
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Tue, 06/25/2024 - 15:56
Bhagya Lakshmi: Meet Badlegi Duniya Ki Reet actress Priyanka Rathod locked in for the show - Exclusive
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Ektaa Kumaran
Mon, 06/10/2024 - 11:45
In the most recent episodes, viewers saw how Lakshmi decided to move to Mumbai with Parvati (Trisha Sarda) and they reached the Oberoi residence to meet Rohan (Shreyansh Kaurav). Malishka was startled to learn that she is still alive. While Lakshmi's life is about to take a drastic change, Aishwarya celebrates her birthday by treating herself to a trip by herself.
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Fri, 04/26/2024 - 16:55