The current track of the show revolves around Isha having gone missing. Previously, Ishaan’s harsh words will affect Isha so badly that she will be traumatized and unable to digest the fact that her own son hates her.
The current track of the show revolves around Isha having gone missing. Previously, Ishaan’s harsh words will affect Isha so badly that she will be traumatized and unable to digest the fact that her own son hates her.
The current track of the show revolves around Isha having gone missing. Previously, Ishaan will curse his mother and regret being her son as she abandoned him at a crucial time in his life.
Savi takes a letter that was written by Isha for Ishaan on his 11th birthday and reads it out. The letter expresses Isha’s feelings of how much she wants to talk to him but cannot even eat anything as she feels sad for being away from him.
Submitted by
Mitul Kansara
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 13:17
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Submitted by
Mitul Kansara
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 13:17
Isha surely feels bad but doesn’t let it show out and instead she taunts Surekha back by mentioning how Surekha’s son left her and that’s why Surekha and Yashwant wanted Ishaan to be with them.
Submitted by
Mitul Kansara
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 12:04
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Submitted by
Mitul Kansara
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 12:04
Surekha calls Isha only to make her feel bad and insecure about her situation where she can’t even have the love of her son even though they both are living in the same city.
Submitted by
Mitul Kansara
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 11:59
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Submitted by
Mitul Kansara
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 11:59
The situation is going to get even more interesting in the upcoming episodes where Isha comes to meet Ishaan on her birthday while the family celebrates.
Submitted by
Mitul Kansara
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 10:56
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Submitted by
Mitul Kansara
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 10:56
Previously, Ishaan would turn nasty and insult his mother Isha to no end. Ishaan without even thinking once will angrily tear all her letters that she shows him telling him how she was waiting to unite with him.