Please hightlight the <em><a href=http://www.tellychakkar.com/news/choti-bahu-makes-way-ram-milaye-jodi>Choti bahu</a></em> ending is abrupt and politically and money oriented.
It writting this email on behalf the whole India-forums community having more than 25000 viewers and the <em>Choti bahu</em> is the no 1 and the most active forums.All the viewers are disappointed and sad about the ending of the show "<em>Choti bahu</em>".
We are writing so many mails and zee is not even bothering to reply even a single mail.
Submitted by
Wed, 09/15/2010 - 11:53
Please hightlight the Choti bahu ending is abrupt and politically and money oriented.
It writting this email on behalf the whole India-forums community having more than 25000 viewers and the Choti bahu is the no 1 and the most active forums.All the viewers are disappointed and sad about the ending of the show "Choti bahu".
We are writing so many mails and zee is not even bothering to reply even a single mail.
I cried throughtout the night and do not what to to do.I do not know to start my day without Radhika and Dev.The serial which created history at 7:30pm slot is ending.
Zee is very unprofessional and pathetic when i called zee.Why are they closing the show? The serial which has good TRP and story is ending without any reasons. The serials like "Agle janam mohe bitiya hi kijo", "sangini","Mera naam karegi roshan","Karol bagh" are pathetic and are on air still.
No serial has magic like "Avinash(Dev) and Rubina(Radhika)" which i loved most.
My heart keeps sinking when I watch Choti Bahu
I understand great show must end, but why are you ending your golden child so early. Choti Bahu has the best casts and crew so why are getting rid of it. I just don't understand. Avinash and Rubina can do wonders for your company so why are you giving them a raw deal. It pains me to see Avinash being wasted like that. At least since you're ending you show give him powerful script with powerful dialogues. He is such talented actor. He can portray any emotions without even utter a single word. Rubina has improved as actress. No one thus far can match these two actors in terms of their talents. Among all the shows in Zee TV.....CB has been doing well in TAM ratings so why end it so soon. In fact other shows in Zee like Karol Bagh, Agle Janam, Mera Naam Karegi Roshan including your own show Sangini are doing badly in TAM ratings. So ideally do you really want to get rid of your golden gem? If you do get rid of CB, then will be your biggest mistake. Please reconsider do not take CB off air. If you have to propose it to another channel, because this a common practice in USA . If one channel decides to let go of one show another channel picks it. This has proven successful in United States . Please reconsider this. CB is the best show ever and have powerful script with powerful dialogues for Avinash and Rubina, golden children. Thank you for taking your time in reading fans wishes.
OMG!!! My heart keeps sinking when I watch Choti Bahu, I try to stay happy - but it's a fake smile.....
I don't know why but I really want CB to stay on....Just the 6 months....Personally after the 6 months I won't moan as much as now....I will but sad but not as much as now......as I know everything good comes to an end....but I'm not ready yet.....I think even the 3 weeks extension was better as we would have got a Waaris track.....
I'm so depressed right now....I don't know where I'm going, what I'm doing, why I'm doing something.....I just keep thinking that CB should have got an extension even if it was for 3 weeks...............
Now, I just cannot watch CB - My heart keeps on sinking....and there is only one thing I can say about Zee.....
I hate it with a passion......!!!







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