Whether it is Dr. Arman Malik, Dr. Rahul, Dr. Ashutosh Mathur or Dr. Aayushman, Indian TV has been lucky with doctors that are drool worthy.
The recent hot doc added to the list is Dr. Veer played by the dimpled guy of TV, Varun Kapoor. Colors’ hospital drama Savitri Devi College & Hospital, has introduced the viewers with a new doctor. Varun’s endearing charm has gained him heavy female fan following.
In an interesting chit chat with TellyChakkar, we asked the 30 year actor to share 5 innovative tips to be a cool doctor in real life.
For all the real time doctors out there this piece is a must read for you. Here it goes -
1.Coolness is not just about good looks
Coolness is not just about good looks. A doctor’s profession is considered to be one of the noblest ones. I really think a doctor would actually be cool with the service he provides to the poor. A doctor could help the poor by treating them for free. He could make it a point to handle almost 5 cases of poor patients for absolutely free of cost.
2.A doctors’ attitude
A doctor must carry his own attitude. We think, the more polite and friendly he is, the more his personality would stand out. We mean that’s cool for sure. Another point that is the coolest perhaps is (for us at least) is the confidence! A doctor who could remain calm and composed in the ER (emergency room)without an iota of doubt owns the cool crown.
3.Scrubs are as important as stethoscope
Scrubs are very important to a doctor! More than a stethoscope it is important to have an attire to slay. Make sure your scrubs are stylish and the color of it matches your personality.
4.Groomed doctors have lady patients lined up
Who doesn’t want to see a fit and well groomed doctor A pleasant fresh hairdo and a good fragrance can do wonders, quite literally. I am sure for doctor such nicely groomed a lot of female patients would line up faking illness.
5.A room to remember
How well maintained you keep your cabin/clinic matters the most. That’s something all your patients and colleagues will notice.
Honestly, Varun surely has some cool tips for all the doctors out there!
What say guys?

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