One of the most dynamic mythological characters to ever grace our silver screen is Karn. Portrayed by Gautam Rode on Sony TV’s Suryaputra Karn, the show is taking us back to our glorious past in a fascinating way. We tell you why Rode is perfect as Mahabharata’s gifted warrior, Karn. Take a look:
His dashing good looks:
While we haven’t seen Karn in real life, we can safely assume that the epic archer would have had killer abs and beefy biceps. Much like Gautam, whose good looks come alive on the screen like no other. All his years of sweating out in the gym sure look worth it as he packs quite a punch in the six-pack abs department.
Screen presence:
When you’re playing a character from the past, it’s important to live up to all the expectations of the audiences. Gautam doesn’t disappoint at all as he blazes the screen with his striking presence. You are effortlessly sucked into the world of Karn when you see Rode on the screen.
Epic drama veteran:
If you feel Rode is carrying off the role with a practiced and nonchalant ease…it’s because he has experience in headlining epic dramas. He has been a part of such magnum opuses like Saraswatichandra and Rudra. He knows what it takes to bring a touch of reality to mythological shows. Is it any wonder that he is shooting up the TRPs with his presence alone?
Acting chops:
He is a gifted actor who emotes like a natural. Whether it’s the emotional scenes or the action ones, Rode looks like he belongs in the epic. Actors generally tend to go overboard when they are playing a mythological character, but Rode keeps it natural and believable.
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