The hilarious, heroic and mischievous Bugs Bunny you love is back. POGO Channel announces the launch of its new series ‘Wabbit’ starring your favourite Bugs Bunny in the lead. The Looney Toons Production will showcase the carrot loving rabbit’s hilarious doings, along with his classic buddies, Yosemite Sam and Wile E. Coyote. Starting 19th December 2015 at 10:00AM only on POGO is all set on an adventure ride.
This is not it! The series introduces fun-filled new characters, Big Foot and Squeaks the Squirrel to name a few; new foes in the form of barbarians, ninjas and terminators to excite this spin-off. The 10-episode series is a drama packed structure launched to highlight the Bugs Bunny craze that exists not only within the children, but young adults in the country too.
Each episode of Wabbit will lead to a promising story, character build up and stomach tickles for the audience. Bugs Bunny and his friends are all set to star back on POGO Channel this December onwards. Stay tuned for his wits, tricks and carrots. That’s all folks!

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