The weekend might be bringing you reasons to smile, but here we have a shocking piece of news for the fans Sony Entertainment Television’s Hanumaan (Contiloe).
The dashing actor, with dole shole Aarya Babbar, who made his TV debut with the above show, has chosen to move out of the project.
Aarya, surprised the world with his extra ordinary skills as an actor when he signed up to play Raavan in the series. The actor in a previous interview with us had mentioned how he feels lucky to play the character who is taken as the 'villain' but has many more shades to him.
But alas, life can be unfair!
So what caused the development?
Well, the handsome actor has been getting quite a few offers from Bollywood. He is already shooting for a couple of films and that has been keeping him completely tied up. With the episodes of Hanumaan getting good feedback, the makers have been also trying to push more scenes of Raavan that got the actor in a fix.
Aarya tried his best to shuffle between his outdoor shoots of his upcoming film and the show but it was getting difficult. He thus had an intensive chat with the producers Abhimanyu and Rupali Singh and discussed how they can go about it. Seeing that it would get all the more difficult in the coming days, they decided to amicably part ways.
Aarya has already wrapped up his shoot and the hunt for the new Raavan is extensively happening. Our sources mentioned that Mahabharat fame Saurav Gurjar who played Bheem, will in most probability step into his shoes. The actor has already given a look test for the character.
When we buzzed Aarya, the actor solemnly shared, "Abhimanyu and Rupali are like family to me. Hanumaan is a special project and it has given me a lot. It was also made me a better actor. It's sad that I have to move out owing to my previous film commitments but I hope the best to the show. Every actor has to move ahead from where he is and I guess it's my time to do so. We look forward to working together again as a team soon. I wish the best to whoever plays Ravana in the coming episodes.
We reached out to Saurav but he remained unavailable.
Good luck to both brawny actors and wish Hanumaan moves ahead in the rating charts!
Hanumaan stars Nirbhay Wadhwa in the titular role.

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