Actress Ankita Bhargava will reportedly be present on the sets of TV show "Yeh Hai Mohabbatein" to witness the shooting of the consummation scene between the show's lead pair -- her husband and actor Karan Patel and actress Divyanka Tripathi.
The production house will shoot the romantic sequence on Tuesday, and it will be aired on Thursday on Star Plus channel.
While Divyanka had already laid special rules to be followed during filming of the scenes, Karan's wife will hover around the sets and keep an eye on the intimate scenes.
"After hearing about the consummation scene from Karan, Ankita made it a point to be present for the same. We have ensured that there are very limited number of people on the sets, including the crew. The scene is a high point in the show, and only selected people are going to work on it," said a source close to the production house.
Divyanka, who has always maintained her traditional look in the show, will don an off-shoulder gown for the scene.
(Source: IANS)
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