Paras Arora, known for his valour and charm in his earlier mythological roles of Veer Shivaji and Abhimanyu, has now consciously opted for a change, and will get into a ‘lover-boy’ image for SAB TV’s newest offering, Police Factory (DJ’s A Creative Unit).
“Yes, mine will be a character similar to that of SRK’s in his love tale movies. Rahul, the character I play is actually in love with a girl, who happens to be the sister of the main officer Shamsher (Tarun Khanna). So he joins the academy in order to impress his lady love’s brother,” states Paras.
Paras has gone out of the way to learn the basic nuances of playing a guitar for this role. Talking on this, Paras explains, “Rahul is a guy who plays his guitar really well. So in order to get the stance right and look real on screen, I made it a point to join a class to learn guitar. Though I could not master it in quick time, I am atleast confident of looking like a guy who is playing it.”
Paras who has won a lot of acclaim for his mythological roles in fact looked for a change, in order to avoid getting type-cast. “After I played Abhimanyu in Mahabharat, I was offered lot many mythological shows. But I wanted a change. Since I had not tried my hands at anything else, I wanted to take up a comic show or a family drama. And when I got this role in Police Factory, I accepted it immediately.”
So are you done with the mythological genre? “Well, I cannot really say that, as I love doing those roles and I am very much at ease in mythological characters. My next role will definitely be a mytho/historical show, no doubt. But as of now, I am looking forward to this change. I am enjoying being part of Police Factory.”
As for his comic timing, Paras feels that being natural while doing comedy is the best way to attain perfection in the genre. “I do not want to pretend while doing comedy. Above all, the situations that the characters are put into in the show, are really comic and one needs to be natural to do well.”
Paras, wish you all the very best in this new role!!

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