MUMBAI: With a career spanning over 16 years and over 5000 episodes to her credit, Aashka Goradia has carved a niche for herself on television with conventional and offbeat roles alike.
Recently, Aashka spoke on the prestigious Ted X platform about beauty, beautification, and the trends of embracing inner beauty and no-filter campaigns. Aashka boldly asked a question that we are sure many young girls and actress would want to ask. Why call a girl who wants to bake her face as fake? Why are we taking people’s empowerment away from them? Technology can help us with anything and everything today, so why are we saying we shouldn’t look better?
(Also Read: Aashka Goradia and Brent to tie the knot in Ahmedabad)
Aashka says, ‘Make up has existed for over 7000 years and lipsticks for over 5000 years. Going back to humanity and the human race, we as people have always wanted to look better. There has to be demand in order for supply. The thousands of beauty applications wouldn't exist if it weren’t for the demand. And so again, if a girl chooses to get something done on her face, why do we call her plastic. So many of my own contemporaries including myself have gone through articles in the media where we've been said to “have gone under the knife,” become “plastic,” etc. God forbid somebody has to go under the knife, do we even know what it is? We jump to conclusions without doing proper research and understanding the process itself.’
What do you think of Aashka Goradia?
‘And sadly, the ones doing this are females, as our industry is dominated by female journalists. We've forgotten the power of the pen, as we first upload before and after pictures, calling someone plastic, and then, we ask the audience to leave comments below. This fear of how you will be labeled has made many women lie or hide what they've exactly done instead of being able to come out and say, “Yes. I want to look better so I tried something out”,’ says the actress.
(PHOTOS: BFFs Juhi Parmar and Aashka Goradia grace JuzzBaatt)
Speaking about herself Aashka reveals, ‘I've been around for 16 years, and of course, I cannot look the same. We are constantly aging and I wish I had a sob story to tell you, but believe me, there is none. I wanted fuller lips, and hence, I decided to go for them. But being asked about “how much plastic went into my lips” at a press conference with 20 people around is not the place I would like to speak about it and definitely not when the tone that the question came to me in was so wrong! Yes, I decided to do something on my face and that's my choice. I am my own sculptor. I am my own painter!”

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