MUMBAI: Actor Abhishekh Khan, known for his impactful performances, has been receiving widespread appreciation for his portrayal of Dr. Ridhun Sethi in the recently released web series Doctors. In a candid conversation, he reflected on his journey, the complexities of his character, and his aspirations in the industry.
Speaking about what drew him to the role, Abhishekh shared, “I’m still in the phase of auditioning for roles that align with how others see me as a performer. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to audition for a part like this. I wouldn’t describe it as an intense performance—it was more complex, edgy, and shifty, which made it fun to portray.” He also credited the medical team on set for guiding the cast through the nuances of their roles. “One simple thing I always start with is figuring out how my character walks, and from there, everything else gradually falls into place,” he added.
Although Doctors was filmed in 2022 while Abhishekh was promoting his debut film Goodbye, he is thrilled that the series has finally reached audiences. “I can only hope it opens a few doors—especially for a second season,” he said. Looking ahead, he expressed his eagerness to portray historical and socially significant figures like Safdar Hashmi and Asaf Ali.
Reflecting on his journey from Bard of Blood to Doctors, Abhishekh emphasized personal growth over career planning. “I’ve stopped worrying about the future. Instead, I reflect on yesterday and focus on living and loving the present. I remind myself of past mistakes and lessons to grow into a better person every day,” he shared. “This journey has been beautiful, and trust me, I’ve learned a lot. But the most important lesson of all is to love people and strive to be a better human every single day.”
With Doctors marking another milestone in his career, Abhishekh Khan continues to carve a unique space for himself in the entertainment industry.
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