MUMBAI: Karan Johar hosted the Weekend Ka Vaar on Bigg Boss OTT on Sunday. The filmmaker is all over the headlines owing to the contestants’ behavior that seems to have upset KJo. He lost his cool at Divya Agarwal. Later on, he also snapped at contestant Shamita Shetty, leaving her in tears. While many praised him for reprimanding them, a certain section slammed the director for siding with Shamita.
Karan was also tagged as a biased host by Twitterati, who are disappointed with him for slamming Divya for back-bitching. Netizens mentioned that even Shamita does back-biting. One user wrote, "#KaranJohar...Y r u supporting #ShamitaShetty? If #DivyaAgrawal is bitching about Shamita, then Shamita is also bitching with Neha about Divya. How KJO said that only Divya bitching. Biased host Karan Johar."
Another tweeted, "I don't understand why Karan Johar is so anti-Divya and pro-Shamita! Like seriously that cunning man was not allowing her to speak.I'm not liking him as a host at all.He's instigating fights which are not even there #DivyaAgarwal #BiggBoss15OTT #KaranJohar."
Have a look.
I don't understand why Karan Johar is so anti-Divya and pro-Shamita!
— AYELA QAMAR (@aryseala) August 16, 2021
Like seriously that cunning man was not allowing to let her speak.I'm not liking him as a host at all.He's instigating fights which are not even there.#DivyaAgarwal#BiggBoss15OTT #KaranJohar
I dnt knw y #KaranJohar Praised shamita shetty.. Kuch nhi kiya pure week me.. Bss apne high standards maintain krne ke alawa.. #BBOttOnVoot #BBOTT as usual looking biased
— Pooja Tr (@PoojaTr1) August 16, 2021
Wtf #KaranJohar . Y r u supporting #ShamitaShetty
— Rakesh Choudhary (@RakeshC42894501) August 16, 2021
? If #DivyaAgrawal bitching about shamita then shamita also bitching with neha about divya .
How KJO said that only divya bitching .
Biased host karan johar #BiggBossOTT #BiggBoss15 #BiggBoss15OTT #BiggBossOTTlive #VootSelect
Kya hoga jab #KaranJohar ki sass aur #DivyaAgarwal ka game plan takraaenge? Do you agree with #KJoHurricane's OTT ilzaam?
— Voot Select (@VootSelect) August 16, 2021
Dekho #BiggBossOTT on #VootSelect.#ItnaOTT #BiggBossOTTVootSelect #VootSelect #BBOTT #BBOtt24x7 #KaranJohar #DivyaAgarwal
Karan even asked her to leave the show. In episodes during her fights with co-contestant and Pratik, Divya Agarwal mentioned that she doesn't need this show.
Credits: SpotboyE
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