MUMBAI: Actor Sidhant Gupta recently took to Instagram to share some cute monochrome pictures with Jubilee director Vikramaditya Motwane on his birthday, capturing a candid, fun moment between the two. The post shows off their easy-going camaraderie, giving fans a peek into their friendship off-screen.
Sidhant captioned the post, "It’s his birthday!!!!" The duo’s fun dynamic, both on and off the Jubilee set, continues to be adored by fans. These behind-the-scenes glimpses only add to the charm of their on-screen collaboration.
Sidhant who has received critical acclaim for his portrayal of Jay Khanna in Jubilee, continues to impress with his nuanced performance, leaving a lasting mark on audiences. Recently, he also earned praise for his role as Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in Freedom at Midnight, showcasing his versatility and ability to bring historical figures to life with authenticity.
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