MUMBAI: Rajeev Sen, model and the younger brother of actor Sushmita Sen, will be seen portraying the character of Dev Raj, an Army officer in his debut web series, Peshawar an ULLU original. The show is based on a real-life terror attack, and talks of the conflict between the terrorist and the army that led to the murder of children of a school in Peshawar, Pakistan. Rajeev shares, “I am really grateful and thankful to Vibhu Agarwal for instilling his faith in me and considering me Dev Raj, an Army officer. He’s such a powerful character, who is so fierce and strong. From being behind the camera from my sister’s movie sets to being in front of one, it has been quite an interesting journey for me.
He further adds, ‘‘For a person like me who has always dedicated his life to the family run jewellery business, it was such a turn of events. I hope the audience will like our show Peshawar on ULLU and appreciate the soul and hard work that has gone into its making. It’s a heart wrenching story which is made and told with earnestness."
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Speaking about his sister’s reaction, he said ‘She was overwhelmed when she heard that I'll be making my digital debut as an army officer in a story based on the Peshawar attack. She wanted me to read all about it, and absorb the character so I could be better prepared and play it with conviction. She hasn't seen Peshawar yet but is super excited and really looking forward to watch me on screen. She’s my cheerleader and I will always appreciate her advices.’
Joining this multi-starrer, are Ashmit Patel as Abbu Shaamil, the mastermind behind the attack, Aadarsh Balakrishnan as Akraam Khan, an officer in the Pakistan army, Rakshanda Khan as a mother of one of the deceased students, Shishir Sharma as RAW general and actors Amitriyaan Patel, Rushad Rana, Sakshi Pradhan, Shishir Sharma, Moumita deb, Sejsal Gupta, Satish Sharma, Anjali Nauriyal, Shikha Chhabra, Simarjeet in pivotal roles.
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