When movies and sports come together, it makes for a delightful watch. Let's face it, we love the overdose of drama and adrenaline that a sport film offers. But there are some typical things that every such movie is guilty of. On Sports Day today, we take a look at the five stereotypes that Bolly flicks should avoid...read on:
The 'bad' competitor:
If you've watched as many movies on sports as we have, you'd know that every movie has a vicious competitor who's hell bent on ruining the actor's life. Whether it's about playing mind games with the hero or creating rifts that cost the heroine her title, this character almost always problems for the title character. We are simply tired of such roles because we are yet to come across an entirely 'black' person in real life.
Winning during the climax:
Yes, we know that it's a movie about an underdog making it big. But isn't it tiring to watch the hero winning the big prize in the climax, after struggling for it for the entire length of the movie? Why can't he/she win right at the beginning or post-interval? Why the need to build up a story and then lead us to the conclusion? It's time for a revamp, no?
Family drama:
Even though most sport legends have rough childhoods, it's kind of depressing to award the same treatment to fictional stories. Every sport movie has a hero who rises against all odds to beat the best in his game. He also invariably has a tough childhood with parents either not supporting or not being there at all. Uff. Give us a break already.
Romantic track:
While romance is an integral part of every movie, overdosing it in sport movies makes no sense. Some flicks offer extended footage to love when the movie is about the sport person's struggle to make it big. Let's not forget the number of song and dance that take place between all the adrenaline rush of winning the game. Whoa!
Predictable moves:
We all know that a typical sport movie will begin with the sport person's struggle, his eventual shining moment, and his ultimate victory. These predictable moves make us cringe (while rolling our eyes). We wish Bollywood's future movies would take cue from this and churn out cooler sport flicks!
What's the one stereotype that you absolutely don't want sport movies to have? Shout out to us. NOW.

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